Tag Archives: heart attack

Another Squeezing Spell

After an hour of sleep from 2:30 to 3:30 this morning, I was abruptly awakened by another “squeezing spell”. The last time it happened I took my combo and within 30 minutes, it stopped. Not this time.

Lord, I wish when one of these spells happen they could hook me up to a diagnostics machine. If I could just explain in detail what happens maybe they could figure out what is causing it and exactly what it is! They just come without any warning so to catch it as it is happening would be difficult.

The doctors can’t seem to figure what it is but feel it is another Fibromyalgia symptom. The spells began in June 2012 as a weekly event and now come at least two or three times a week. Some are worse than others. This has been a bad one.

It started with excruciating pain around the thyroid then burst into my arms. The pain is like what I would expect to be with a heart attack. It feels like someone has hit my throat with their fist. I can’t keep my arms still because the pain is so intense; like someone has grabbed hold of my arms and is squeezing them so tightly the blood supply is being cut off. Then, indigestion and nausea started with a tremendous amount of uncontrollable belching. Usually, I break out in a cold sweat and often diarrhea but that didn’t happen this time.

After two and a half hours, it is beginning to ease a bit. It has completely drained the life from me. I am so thankful I don’t have to try to function today.

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Posted by on January 6, 2014 in Uncategorized


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